Free ScreenCam Player
This is the place to be if you're wondering how to view the demo ".scm"
movies we are providing all over our site.

the Lotus ScreenCam Player.
Play a ScreenCam movie from your
desk top
launching .SCM movies over the Web
Buy the recorder!
System Requirements
First, if you don't have the Lotus ScreenCam Player for Windows 3.1*,95 and NT,
download it now.
It's Free! (and you can give it to your friends)
Unified Player (900k)
*NOTE: In order to run the Player (a 32bit application) in Windows 3.1 (a 16bit
environment) you will need the WIN32S patch from Microsoft - See ScreenCam FAQ's

Playing a ScreenCam Movie from your desktop
Once you have downloaded the ScreenCam Player, placed it in the directory of your choice,
and placed its icon on your desktop:
- double-click the player's icon to launch it
- click the "Open" button on the ScreenCam player
- select an .scm file and click "OK" to load it
- click the "Play" button to start the movie.
Automate launching ScreenCam movies over the Web!
You can set up your Web browser so that when you click on one of our .scm format demo
movie files it will play automatically.
First, you must have the Lotus ScreenCam Player installed; then
configure your browser:
If you are using Netscape Version 2.01 or 3.0, Go to General Preferences in the
Options menu.
- In the General Preferences dialog box choose the Helpers Tab.
- Click on the Create New Type... button, and enter "application" as the Mime
Type and "x-screencam" as the Mime SubType. Click OK.
- Enter "scm" in the File Extensions box.
- Click on the Browse... button and locate your installed copy of the Lotus ScreenCam
Player (scplayer.exe). Click Open.
- Select your preferred action (Save to Disk or Launch the Application).
- Click OK.
If you are using Internet Explorer 3.0, Go to the View menu and click on Options.
- Click the Programs tab, and then click File Types.
- If you want to open a new type of file that Internet Explorer doesn't recognize, click
New Type.
- If you want to change the program that starts when you open a certain type of file,
click the type, and then click Edit.
- Type a description for the file type, and then specify its content type (application)
and extension (.SCM).
- To define a new action for this file type, click New.
- To modify an action for an existing file type, click the command that you want to
modify, then click Edit.
- Specify the action that you want to define, such as Open or Print, and the program that
should complete this action.
If you are using NCSA Mosaic, configure MOSAIC.INI in the Windows
directory as follows:
Define an additional application type. Note: make sure type number, shown
as 10 below, is unique. Also be sure to use the correct
directory path to scplayer.exe for your configuration.
In the same section, associate SCPLAYER.EXE as the viewer.
application/x-screencam="C:\scplayer.exe %ls"
associate the extension .SCM with the application type
If you have a HTTP server and wish to offer ScreenCam .scm files for automatic
launching, you need to configure your server.
System requirements for ScreenCam Player 97
IBM or compatible 80386sx or higher certified for use with Microsoft Windows 95 and DOS
3.3 or higher, minimum clock speed of 16 MHz. VGA 16-color graphics adapter and monitor,
and a mouse.
System requirements for ScreenCam Player 2.1
IBM or compatible 80386sx or higher certified for use with Microsoft Windows 3.1, Windows
95 and DOS 3.3 or higher, minimum clock speed of 16 MHz. VGA 16-color graphics adapter and
monitor, and a mouse.
Buy the recorder!
If you want to be able to record your own ScreenCam Movies, you can buy Lotus ScreenCam 97
for Windows 95 from Cybersource
and ScreenCam 2.0 for Windows 3.1 from Lotus Selects, or call Lotus directly: in
the US, 1-800-343-5414; in Canada, 1-800-GO LOTUS.
Updated: 10/01/97

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