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colorbar.gif (4491 bytes)


Detailed Web Statistics for September 1997

Web Usage Summary


Web Server: www.coseti.org
From : 01 Sep 1997 00:00
To : 30 Sep 1997 00:00
User : coseti
Profile: Full


Following reports are generated on Sun Nov 2 14:59:37 1997



Analysis Summary

  • Total number of hits : 17841
  • Total number of requests : 17635
  • Total number of sessions : 1205
  • Average requests per session : 14

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Visitor Organization Type Report

S.No Organization Type Hits % Hits Requests % Requests Sessions % Sessions
1 Commercial 5941 33.30 5856 33.21 411 34.11
2 Network 5335 29.90 5278 29.93 287 23.82
3 Unresolved IP Address 2438 13.67 2406 13.64 192 15.93
4 Unknown 2410 13.51 2385 13.52 200 16.60
5 Educational 1367 7.66 1360 7.71 94 7.80
6 Government 265 1.49 265 1.50 13 1.08
7 US Military 62 0.35 62 0.35 4 0.33
8 Non-Profit Organization 23 0.13 23 0.13 4 0.33

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Visitor Organization Report

S.No User Organization Hits % Hits Requests % Requests Sessions % Sessions
1 Unknown 2438 13.67 2406 13.64 192 15.93
2 netwalk.net 2071 11.61 2043 11.58 64 5.31
3 microsys.com 1297 7.27 1291 7.32 25 2.07
4 aol.com 821 4.60 818 4.64 78 6.47
5 ohio-state.edu 425 2.38 422 2.39 29 2.41
6 dec.com 284 1.59 271 1.54 23 1.91
7 nasa.gov 204 1.14 204 1.16 6 0.50
8 compuserve.com 182 1.02 180 1.02 15 1.24
9 guam.net 165 0.92 165 0.94 4 0.33
10 uu.net 163 0.91 161 0.91 10 0.83

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Demographic Report

S.No User Country Hits % Hits Requests % Requests Sessions % Sessions
1 United States 11859 66.47 11727 66.50 747 61.99
2 Unresolved IP Address 2438 13.67 2406 13.64 192 15.93
3 Australia 476 2.67 471 2.67 28 2.32
4 Japan 350 1.96 349 1.98 23 1.91
5 United Kingdom 327 1.83 327 1.85 23 1.91
6 Canada 324 1.82 324 1.84 25 2.07
7 Germany 305 1.71 303 1.72 33 2.74
8 Spain 255 1.43 254 1.44 24 1.99
9 Mexico 163 0.91 162 0.92 8 0.66
10 Brazil 158 0.89 156 0.88 7 0.58

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Most Requested Pages Report

S.No Page URL Hits % Hits Requests % Requests  
1 / 1127 6.32 1127 6.39
2 /images/colorbar.gif 1079 6.05 1079 6.12
3 /images/stars.gif 1048 5.87 1048 5.94
4 /images/welcome.gif 944 5.29 944 5.35
5 /images/sign_2.gif 888 4.98 888 5.04
6 /images/domesak.jpg 863 4.84 863 4.89
7 /images/vellum.jpg 613 3.44 613 3.48
8 /images/award3.gif 607 3.40 607 3.44
9 /contents.htm 563 3.16 563 3.19
10 /images/domeopen.gif 512 2.87 512 2.90

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Least Requested Pages Report

S.No Page URL Hits % Hits Requests % Requests  
1 /radobs39.htm 1 0.01 1 0.01
2 /radobs44.htm 1 0.01 0 0.00
3 /radobs05.htm 2 0.01 2 0.01
4 /radobs18.htm 2 0.01 2 0.01
5 /sq_v3_n4.htm 2 0.01 2 0.01
6 /radobs08.htm 2 0.01 2 0.01
7 /radob24A.htm 2 0.01 0 0.00
8 /abst_2.htm 3 0.02 3 0.02
9 /publicat.htm 4 0.02 4 0.02
10 /tvprogra.htm 5 0.03 5 0.03

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Session Entry Pages Report

S.No Page URL Entries
1 / 987
2 /images/stars.gif 33
3 /images/colorbar.gif 26
4 /_private/frames1.htm 23
5 /contents.htm 7
6 /images/domesak.jpg 6
7 /pictgall.htm 4
8 /papers.htm 4
9 /images/award3.gif 4
10 /diana.htm 4

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Session Exit Pages Report

S.No Page URL Exits
1 /images/sign_2.gif 333
2 / 98
3 /images/welcome.gif 60
4 /images/dome_3.gif 52
5 /images/sctside.gif 50
6 /images/domeopen.gif 49
7 /images/domesak.jpg 37
8 /images/logo3.gif 35
9 /images/vellum.jpg 25
10 /images/award3.gif 15

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Events By Time Report

S.No Period Hits % Hits Requests % Requests Sessions % Sessions
1 Sep 1997 17841 100 17635 100 1205 100

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Referring Organization Report

S.No Referring Organization (Referred URL) Sessions % Sessions
1 www.coseti.org (/images/colorbar.gif) 1049 5
2 www.coseti.org (/images/stars.gif) 1022 5
3 www.coseti.org (/images/welcome.gif) 920 5
4 www.coseti.org (/images/sign_2.gif) 865 4
5 www.coseti.org (/images/domesak.jpg) 842 4
6 www.coseti.org (/images/vellum.jpg) 606 3
7 www.coseti.org (/images/award3.gif) 594 3
8 www.coseti.org (/images/domeopen.gif) 506 2
9 www.coseti.org (/images/sctside.gif) 475 2
10 www.coseti.org (/contents.htm) 465 2

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Bandwidth Report by Time

S.No Period KBytes
1 Sep 1997 495595

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Resource Type Report

S.No Content Type KBytes
1 gif 357498
2 jpeg 90141
3 html 25617
4 Other 22338

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Hostname Report

S.No Host Name Hits % Hits Requests % Requests Sessions % Sessions
1 larryk.microsys.com 1297 7.27 1291 7.32 25 2.07
2 scooter.pa-x.dec.com 260 1.46 247 1.40 20 1.66
3 176 0.99 153 0.87 19 1.58
4 tcs2-24.netwalk.net 148 0.83 145 0.82 2 0.17
5 blackjack.q-net.net.au 126 0.71 123 0.70 2 0.17
6 tcs3-31.netwalk.net 118 0.66 95 0.54 1 0.08
7 opac1772.medlib.arizona.edu 108 0.61 108 0.61 1 0.08
8 kahala-46.kuentos.guam.net 108 0.61 108 0.61 1 0.08
9 tcs4-14.netwalk.net 105 0.59 105 0.60 2 0.17
10 tcs1-16.netwalk.net 104 0.58 104 0.59 2 0.17

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Error Report

S No Error Description No of Errors
1 Bad Request (Error Code: 400) 7
2 Unauthorized (Error Code: 401) 0
3 Payment Required (Error Code: 402) 0
4 Forbidden (Error Code: 403) 0
5 Not Found (Error Code: 404) 178
6 Method Not Allowed (Error Code: 405) 0
7 Not Acceptable (Error Code: 406) 0
8 Proxy Authentication Required (Error Code: 407) 0
9 Request Time-out (Error Code: 408) 21
10 Conflict (Error Code: 409) 0
11 Gone (Error Code: 410) 0
12 Length Required (Error Code: 411) 0
13 Precondition Failed (Error Code: 412) 0
14 Request Entity Too Large (Error Code: 413) 0
15 Request-URI Too Large (Error Code: 414) 0
16 Unsupported Media Type (Error Code: 415) 0
17 Internal Server Error (Error Code: 500) 0
18 Not Implemented (Error Code: 501) 0
19 Bad Gateway (Error Code: 502) 0
20 Service Unavailable (Error Code: 503) 0
21 Gateway Time-out (Error Code: 504) 0
22 HTTP Version not supported (Error Code: 505) 0

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Time spent per Page Report

S.No Page URL Time (secs)
1 /radobs09.htm 667
2 /2704-int.htm 652
3 /listofot.htm 357
4 /2704-02.htm 338
5 /9008-024.htm 314
6 /ejasa_01.htm 295
7 /9106-003.htm 287
8 /argume4.htm 235
9 /argume2.htm 220
10 /2704-20.htm 191

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Referring URL Report

S.No Referring URL (Refered URL) Sessions % Sessions
1 www.coseti.org/ (/images/colorbar.gif) 944 5
2 www.coseti.org/ (/images/stars.gif) 933 5
3 www.coseti.org/ (/images/welcome.gif) 913 5
4 www.coseti.org/ (/images/sign_2.gif) 854 4
5 www.coseti.org/ (/images/domesak.jpg) 837 4
6 www.coseti.org/ (/images/award3.gif) 554 3
7 www.coseti.org/contents.htm (/images/domeopen.gif) 503 2
8 www.coseti.org/oseticon.htm (/images/sctside.gif) 475 2
9 www.coseti.org/frbanner.htm (/images/logo3.gif) 410 2
10 www.coseti.org/frbanner.htm (/images/earth4.gif) 396 2

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Visitor Browser Report

S.No Visitor Browser Name Hits
1 netscape 17054
2 Other 629
3 lynx 49
4 architextspider 27
5 prodigy-wb 22
6 ncsa mosaic 19
7 microsoft internet explorer 18
8 spry_mosaic 10
9 ibm webexplorer 7
10 iweng 6

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